Farming Resources


I hope some of the information on this site will whet your appetite for moving Back to the Land.

If you know of interesting sites I can add to the page, please email us at



Ford 8N Info


Ky Ag Info

Nat. Corn Growers Assc

Ky Explorer BB

Yellow Vette Farm

Ky Farm Bureau

Round Bale Tips

@griculture Online

Green Acres TV Show

Kentucky FSA

Farmers Almanac

Cow Patty

Ag Journal Online

Persimmon Springs Farm

Ky Dept Agriculture

Jefferson Co CES

UK Col of Agriculture

Ky Cattlemens Assc

TOP 10 ID sites

Ky Fish & Wildlife


Ky Div Forestry

Ky Div Conservation

Tractor By Net



Kubota Discussion Brd



The Parklands of Floyds Fork in Louisville, Kentucky


Link to Parklands of Floyds Fork





45 minute video explaining the Farm Bill



Misc. Agriculture Links


American Beefalo Association

American Dairy Association

Brown Swiss USA

Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative

Dairy Farmers of America

Dairy One

Holstein World

Kentucky State University Aquaculture

Kentucky Alpaca Association

Kentucky Association of Fairs and Horse Shows

Kentucky Cattlemen's Association

Kentucky Certified Crop Advisors

Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition

Kentucky Christmas Tree Association

Kentucky Corn Growers Association

Kentucky Dairy Development Council

Kentucky Exposition Center

Kentucky Farm Bureau

Kentucky Feed and Grain Association

Kentucky Future Farmers' Association

Kentucky Forest Industries Association

Kentucky Goat Producers Association

Kentucky Grocers Association

Kentucky Limousin Breeders Association

Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association

Kentucky Petroleum Marketers

Kentucky Poultry Federation

Kentucky Propane Gas Association

Kentucky Retail Federation

Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association

Kentucky Santa Gertrudis Association

Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office

Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association

Kentucky Soybean Association

Kentucky State Beekeepers Association

Kentucky State Fair

Kentucky Turfgrass Council

Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association

Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association

Kentucky Vineyard Society

Kentucky Women in Agriculture

Kentucky Woodland Owners Association

Mid-South Dairy

NASDA: National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

National Cattlemen's Beef Association

National Pork Producers Council

National Wheat Growers Association

Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK)

Across Kentucky (Kentucky Farm Bureau broadcast)

Ag Web

Amber Waves (USDA magazine)

Animal health news

Blood-Horse Magazine

Bluegrass Horseman

Brownfield Ag News


Cromwell Ag Radio Network

Daily Yonder

Farm Journal

Farm World Online

The Farmer's Pride


Lexington Herald-Leader

KDA news releases

Kentucky Ag Connection

Kentucky Ag Statistics

Kentucky Agricultural News

Kentucky Farm Bureau News

Kentucky Proud Connection

The Progressive Farmer

Saddle and Bridle Magazine

Successful Farming

UK Ag News


American Association of Equine Practitioners

Blood-Horse Magazine

Bluegrass Horseman

Churchill Downs

Ellis Park

Horsemen's Benevolent & Protective Association


Kentucky American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Association

Kentucky Downs

Kentucky Horse Council

Kentucky Horse Park

Kentucky Quarter Horse Association

Kentucky Thoroughbred Association/KTOB


Mountain Pleasure Horse Association

National horse shows (USA Equestrian)

Saddle and Bridle Magazine


Turfway Park

UK Veterinary Science

Agriculture Compliance Assistance

Economic Research Service

Environmental Protection Agency

Governors Office of Agricultural Policy

Kentucky Agricultural Statistics Office

Kentucky Division of Conservation

Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection

Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife

Kentucky Division of Forestry

Energy and Environment Cabinet

Natural Resources Conservation Service

Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA)

US Department of Agriculture (USDA)

USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service



Forestry Links


Recreation on Federal Lands

US Department of Agriculture

USDA Forest Service

USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES)

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

USDI Bureau of Land Management

US Department of Interior

National Park Service

U.S. Forest Inventory and Analysis

National Wildfire Coordinating Group

American Conifer Society

American Forest & Paper Association

American Forest Foundation

American Forests

American Tree Farm System

Association of Consulting Foresters of American, Inc.

Center for Field Research at Earthwatch Institute

Certified Forest Products Council

Cradle of Forestry

Forest History Society

Forest Landowners Association

Forest Resources Association

Forest Stewardship Council

Hardwood Forest Foundation

Hardwood Plywood and Veneer Association

Intertribal Timber Council

National 4-H Forestry Invitational

National Arbor Day Foundation

National Association of State Foresters

National Forest Foundation

National Hardwood Lumber Association

The Pacific Forest Trust

Red Lodge Clearinghouse

The Smartwood Network

Society for Range Management

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Sustainable Forestry Partnership

Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI)

Temperate Forest Foundation (TFF)


Urban Forestry Ecosystems Institute

USFS National Retirees

Wilderness Information Network

World Forestry Center

Alabama Forestry Association

Arkansas Forestry Association

California Forestry Association

Colorado Forestry Association

Florida Forestry Association

Georgia Forestry Association

Illinois Forestry Association

Louisiana Forestry Association

Maryland Forests Association

Michigan Forestry Association

Minnesota Forestry Association

Mississippi Forestry Association

Ohio Forestry Association

Oklahoma Forestry Association

New Jersey Forestry Association

North Carolina Forestry Association

Pennsylvania Forestry Association

South Carolina Forestry Association

Tennessee Forestry Association

Texas Forestry Association

Virginia Forestry Association

West Virginia Forestry Association